Give, Receive, and Bless:
Your donations offer the blessing of inclusive education to disabled children, elevating ALL students, our Catholic Schools, and honoring our Lord.
FIRE Foundation of Central Illinois is an independent 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organization that works with partner schools to promote inclusion within the Diocese of Peoria. Your gifts make it possible to provide resources that empower learning for students with special needs. The FIRE Foundation of Central Illinois helps partner schools:
Acquire assistive learning materials and technologies
Provide training for teachers and staff
Hire paraprofessionals
Provide salaries for special education teachers
General support for an inclusive education program
Questions? Call FIRE Foundation of Central Illinois at 602-743-1460 or email us:
Other Donation Methods:
Venmo: firefoundationcil
Check: Make payable to "FIRE Foundation of Central Illinois" and mail to:
FIRE Foundation of Central Illinois
PO Box 782
Normal, IL 61761
Founding Funder's Circle
Thank you to our Founding Funders for supporting the Fire Foundation of Central IL. We want to recognize your generosity and continued dontations.
Recognized Founding Funders:
OSV (Our Sunday Visitor)
Thomas & Donetta Jenn
Will you be a Founding Funder for the FIRE Foundation of Central Illinois?
A Founding Funder is a person, group, or entity that makes a generous donation of $5,000 or more to the FIRE Foundation of Central Illinois. We will forever recognize this individual, family, or business for expanding the growth and impact of our work at our partner schools. YOU can be the difference! You can be the spark! Please consider being a Founding Funder. Help us reach our milestone goal of $50,000 in 2024.